
PetitS Poussins French Lessons

So we are going off to France next week for half term and the boys have been so excited, asking tonnes of questions about the culture food and language. They have now started spouting off a few words that I have told them from my rusty GCSE but they sound like mini Joeys off Friends..."Blu boa blee"
I think languages are so important anyway and its a shame they don't teach it from nursery age in UK schools when children are like little sponges. So I decided to get the boys some French tutoring then they can at least say "Hello" and "Thank you" in the very rural part of France we are going to, you can always tell how much it is appreciated by locals too.

Now instead of a Mrs Crobopple type barking 'Les incompitant' at the boys (my fave bit in Home Alone) I gave Gill at Petit Poussins a call because my friend had done the toddlers playgroup with her and said how much fun it was, even my pal learnt French. The boys are too old for the Playgroup so we opted for a private tutorial at her home, When she opened the door with a teddy monkey called Sebastien and a huge 'Bonjour' I knew this was going to tres bon!

Gill is british but barley spoke a word of english to us, and she only broke her a French/cardinal rule a few times because the boys had never done any french before. It was amazing how they still got exactly what she was asking them to do though. We did numbers, colours and transport which was fab because we are driving and getting the ferry to France. We picked up a few phrases like "I would like 1 ice cream" or "I am tired" which Oscar more than was after footy and had a total fidget on but it didn't bother Gill in the least. 

She was a total pro, distracting with various games, i pad songs and Sebastien the monkey who FYI we are now bringing on our trip. We all really enjoyed it and Archie was particularly enthralled, when we got in the car he said "That was soooo much fun Mammy" and then insisted we go to the library after to get a book out on France. I loved how interactive and easy Gills lesson was and how much we now know, I feel much less stressed about going somewhere they probably won't speak english and would definitely like to start the boys with regular lessons until Gill the warrior can get her vision of languages from toddler age rolled out in all primary schools.

If you would like to do a session with Gill she runs a fab toddler sessions for £5.25 per session payable termly in advance at St Pauls Parish Church in Whitley Bay on Tuesday 9.30 -10.10am.
She also teaches her own unique teaching technique and curriculum to nurseries, schools, private tutitions and does teacher training too. Her motto is making language fun which it absolutely was so get in touch here

 Petits Poussins

You will also have certainly noticed that my photography game has gone up x 1 million. Well it just so happens that Gills partner Paul is a very talented Photographer as you can see. He was about, so decided to take a few shots of our great session. I love how they turned out and Paul normally does every type of photography from Weddings to commercial but also Family shoots so think we will have to get him to get a picture of all four of us for a change. 

If your looking for a Photographer give him a shout.

Pixx Photography

So for now its Bon Voyage to us and check us out on Instagram especially to see what we get unto with Sebastien hope he likes Disneyland...  

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